Sunday, July 5, 2009

Definition of a culture

The culture is a people refers to all aspect of shared life in a community. Children who grow up in a social group learn ways of doing things, ways of expressing themselves, ways of looking things, what things they should value and what things they should avoid or despise, what is expected from them and what they may expect from others.
Yet culturally determined features may be seen in their action, social relationships, moral convictions, attractions and revulsions. These features can also be seen through the institutions their social group establishes and converses. They can also be seen in the art and literature which the members of the two group produce and appreciate.
A language is learned and used within such a context, drawing from the culture distinctive meanings and function which language learner must assimilate, if they want to control the language as the native speakers of the language control it. There are of course, variations, certain pattern of behavior and value system maybe discerned which integral parts of culture whole are.
It is necessary to see how such patterns function in relation to each other and to appreciate their place within the cultural system. Language learners who want to communicate with individuals from other cultural background should understand the cultural behavior of others and at the same time recognize their influence of their culture, over their thoughts, their activities and their and their forms of linguistic expression.
When the students meet, a difference set of behavior pattern or difference set of values they may be socked and embarrassed. They may consider the speakers of the language they are learning as strange, stupid, not well manner etc.
In a society where individuals must never admit that what they are wearing is valuable or in good taste, will not say “thank you” to a complement on their appearance, because they consider it an indication of lack of breeding, where as it is the normal response of an American. In this situation, the simple remark or question is only comprehensible within the structure of relationship and social education in the society.

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