Wayang beber is the oldest form of wayang. This puppet began there in the last days Hindu in Java. Wayang Beber initially described the stories from Mahabharata epic, but later it changed to the Panji stories, originating from the kingdom of Jenggala, around Kediri - East Java. The period of this wayang is from the 11th century and reached its prime in the Majapahit era around 16th century. It popularity was faded since the era of Mataram kingdom.
This puppet show is well known during the reign of Majapahit (14th century), and began to fade from the reign of the kingdom Mataram. But this wayang is threatened to be extinct because the performance is very rare. The last time this wayang show is held in early 1983 in Surabaya used wayang beber from Pacitan, East Java.
Today Wayang beber is known as wayang beber Pacitan. Wayang Beber Pacitan describe Panji Asmara Bangun stories with Dewi Sekartaji there are 6 rolls with each roll includes 4 scenes. There are 24 rolls, but the scene 24 should not be opened which according to the belief that the last scene should not broken. Wayang Beber is created after the government Amangkurat II (1677-1678) and before the government Amangkurat III (1703-1704) of mataram kingdom in Kartasura. Meanwhile, other sources state that Wayang Beber Pacitan is received by the puppeteer Nolodermo of Majapahit kingdom as a reward for his services after he healed the king's daughter.
The beginning of the story of Wayang Beber is about Panji Asmara Bangun, a prince of Kediri kingdom has been disguised as Joko Kembang Kuning join the competition to find the Dewi Sekartaji. But this story is supposedly a satirical story about the migration of the Mataram kingdom to Kartasura government.
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