There is much debate about whether cigarette smoking should be forbidden or not.
Argument pro and contra
I agree that smoking cause many disease. Not only the active smokers, but also passive smokers can get bad effect of smoking. In the contrary to the bad effect, our country gets benefits from cigarette’s tax. Cigarette factories produce cigarettes manually so they reduce unemployment.
I think some rules about smoking in the public area will be a good solution, whether a smoker can smoke in the public area or not.
yellow stars
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Monday, May 20, 2013
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Ramalan BIntang Bulan Mei
Bantulah mereka yang membutuhkan, karena anda mungkin tidak akan menyadari bahwa akan ada mereka yang membantu anda pada hari hari berikutnya. akan ada berita bagus pada awal bulan. perlakukan diri anda dengan baik, karena memang anda berhak mendapatkan hal tersebut. sesorang benar-benar mencintai anda, dan akan mengungkapkan itu kepada anda pada pertengahan bulan, dan hal itu akan mebahagianakan anda. meski ada sedikit gangguan pada akhir bulan, terkait dengan hubngan anda, anda tetap harus memperbaiki hubungan anda, yang nantinya akan membawa kbahagiaan kepada anda
Hindari konflik yang seharusnya tidak perlu melibatkan anda, biarkan mereka mereka yang berada dalam konflik menyelesaikan permasalahan mereka sendiri. berhematlah pada bulan ini. salurkan pola konsumtif tersebut menjadi hal hal lain yang lebih membawa manfaat, misalnya mempelajari pola kehidupan alam. jika anda memiliki kisah percintaan, maka anda akan merasakan sesuatu hal yang agak menyulitkan pada pertengahan bulan. kembangkan jaringan sosial anda sehingga anda akan mendapatkan banyak keuntungan
anda akan mendapatkan kesuksesan pada awal bulan dan salurkan energi kesuksesan anda menjadi energi kreatif yang lainnya. pada awal bulan anda akan menemukan hal penting yang selama ini masih menjadi misteri bagi anda. lakukan olah raga yang teratur untuk menjaga kesehatan pada pertengahan bulan. lakukan pekerjaan dengan disiplin demikian juga dengan pola makan anda. sehingga kan menghasilkan hasil yang memuaskan
Berhematlah, meski ada keinginan besar untuk berbelanja, cukup dengan jalan jalan namun jika hal itu membuat anda tergoda, lebih baik anda hentikan saja dan alihkan dengan berolah raga. lakukan olah raga untuk menjaga kebugaran anda pada bulan ini, atau juga bida dengan melakukan yoga atau kelas tarian untuk meningkatkan minat anda dalam berolah raga. da keberuntungan pada akhir bulan, dan manfaatkan hal tersebut
anda akan banyak memiliki ide pada awal bulan, dan anda akan merencanakan banyak hal, anda benar benar mengesankan. dan anda akan bisa mulai merealisasikan pada awal bulan. bekerja dengan dasar saling menghargai satu sama lain akan memberikan kemudahan bagi anda, dan intuisi anda akan memberikan banyak kontribusi pada pertengahan bulan. pada akhir bulan, temukan hal hal romantis dihidup anda.
Anda akan mengalami perasaan melankolis pada awal bulan, dan itu sesuatu yang normal. anda akan teringat pada masa lalu, dan mengingat masa lalu bukanlah hal yang buruk, karena dengan mengingat asa lalu maka anda kan menghargai masa kini. jika perasaan itu menyerang, bisa diatasi dengan mandi air hangat dan tidur lebih awal. pada awal awal bulan banyak rencana yang akan anda merealisasikan, jadi buka pikiran anda terhadap segala sesuatu yang mungkin terjadi. hargai segala sesuatu yang telah diberikan oleh mereka di sekeliling anda. dan pada pertengahan hingga akhir bulan maka rencana rencana itu akan terwujud. dan anda akan mampu mengambil hikmah dari hal hal kecil yang terjadi di sekitar anda.
mungkin anda tidak bisa menerima bahwa konsep pekerjaan dan percintaan bisa berjalan beriringan. biarkan percikan cinta bertebaran di wilayah pekerjaan anda. jangan terlalu kritis terhadap kesalahan teman-teman ada, berikan sikap yang lebih lembut, dari pada memberikan hujatan kepada mereka. selalu jaga komunikasi dengan teman teman kerja anda untuk menghindari salah mengerti. lakukan olah raga. akan ada berita gembira pada akhir bulan, namun itu juga akan memberikan konsekuensi pada anda
Lakukan kegiatan rutinitas anda dengan teratur jika anda ingin mendapatkan hasil yang baik. bekerjalah dengan kreatif. jika anda menghadapi sebuah kebimbangan, pikirkan baik baik segala yang sudah terjadi jangan mudah menarik kesimpulan. ada momen romatis pada akhir bulan. jika pimpinan anda membuat anda sedikit tidak bersemangat, biarkan saja dan tetaplah bekerja sebaik mungkin.
Anda bisa jadi berurusan dengan beberapa hal pada awal bulan. Nah, itu terjadi. bisa jadi hal itu membuat anda tidak menyukainya, namun dari pada rasa benci membuat anda tidak enak hati, lebih baik anda menghadapinya. dan itu akan mengurangi beban anda. dan anda akan merasakan hikmah dibalik kejadian tersebut. pada pertengahan bulan anda akan semakin menyadari hal hal dibalik kejadian tersebut sangatlah menakjubkan. pada akhir bulan jika ada yang mengganggu pada tubuh anda lakukan olah raga untuk menjaga kebugaran
ada hal yang membuat anda bimbang pada awal bulan, namun dengan menguraikan pokok permasalahan maka segala sesuatu akan semakin jelas, dan akan menghasilkan sebuah gagasan hebat yang bisa digunakan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan yang sedang anda hadapi. dan pada pertengahan bulan maka anda akan mengetahui apa yang harus anda lakukan, dan anda akan mengetahui peran anda dan segala sesuatu akan berjalan dengan baik pada akhir bulan
Lebih fokuslah dalam beberapa hal, jika anda bisa lebih fokus dan selalu ada bagi mereka yang penting bagi anda merupakan hal yang terbaik bulan ini. ada sedikit permasalahan yang terjadi pada awal bulan, terkait dengan hubungan dengan seseorang atau hubungan kerja. ada keberuntungan pada pertengahan bulan. jangan mengingkari perasaan anda, ekspresikan perasaan tersebut. berhati-hatilah dengan kesehatan anda pada pertengahan bulan, lakukan olah raga atau kegiatan fisik untuk menjaga kesehatan. jika anda bimbang terhadap sebuah pilihan, dan anda membawa kebimbangan tersebut sampai pada mimpi anda, maka bisa saja media mimpi merupakan salah satu petunjuk terhadap kebimbangan anda
Bersiaplah untuk beberapa proyek yang membutuhkan pemikiran yang mendalam. Proyek itu bisa merupakan sebuah proyek kreatif, tesis master, proyek kerja atau hubungan, pola yang sebelumnya belum pernah terjadi pada Anda tiba-tiba menjadi benar-benar jelas. Ada kalanya anda menyimpan sesuatu pikiran, dan anda ingin membagi dengan teman teman anda, dan akhirnya rahasia yang akan anda bagi itu akan terbagi. Biarkan mereka mengetahui apa yang anda pikirkan. Anda akan membuat orang disekitar anda, bisa jadi teman teman kerja atau bos anda terpesona, bahkan ada juga seseorang yang menganggap anda istimewa, dengan kemampuan anda serta kepribadian anda yang memberikan energi positif kepada sekitar anda.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Explanation Text: "MESSAGES IN WAVES"
Messages can be sent over long distance by telegraph and telephone. Until a hundred years ago, long distance message had to be relayed by wire. Radio waves can travel through empty space.
An Italian scientist, Guglielmo Marconi, was one of the first scientist to send signal by radio in 1895. At first, radio message were sent in morse code. The first sound broadcast began in 1910.
Vibrating Signals
Radio waves are electric signals that vibrate from weak to strong, million of times a second, as they travel. All radio waves travel at a speed of 299,792 kilometres per second that' the speed of light.
Imagine that you could see radio waves as they passed you. You would find that they are all different. some radio waves vibrate more frequently. They have high amplitude. Some waves have a low frequency. The distance between one vibration and the next is longer than a high-frequency wave. This wave will have a longer wavelength.
Radio Broadcast
when radio waves are broadcast, they travell over different distances. Some waves, called long waves, travel parallel to Earth's surface, trapped between the Earth and a layer of the atmosphere calle the ionosphere. Another type of wave, calle short wave, bounces back off the ionosphere during the day time when ionosphere is dense. Other waves, called UHF (Ultra High Frequency), and VHF (Very High Frequency), can travel through the ionosphere and can be relayed by satellite.
Taken from : Young Scientist : Communicating, 1996
An Italian scientist, Guglielmo Marconi, was one of the first scientist to send signal by radio in 1895. At first, radio message were sent in morse code. The first sound broadcast began in 1910.
Vibrating Signals
Radio waves are electric signals that vibrate from weak to strong, million of times a second, as they travel. All radio waves travel at a speed of 299,792 kilometres per second that' the speed of light.
Imagine that you could see radio waves as they passed you. You would find that they are all different. some radio waves vibrate more frequently. They have high amplitude. Some waves have a low frequency. The distance between one vibration and the next is longer than a high-frequency wave. This wave will have a longer wavelength.
Radio Broadcast
when radio waves are broadcast, they travell over different distances. Some waves, called long waves, travel parallel to Earth's surface, trapped between the Earth and a layer of the atmosphere calle the ionosphere. Another type of wave, calle short wave, bounces back off the ionosphere during the day time when ionosphere is dense. Other waves, called UHF (Ultra High Frequency), and VHF (Very High Frequency), can travel through the ionosphere and can be relayed by satellite.
Taken from : Young Scientist : Communicating, 1996
pic: credit 2
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Explanation Text "PHOTOSYNTESIS"
What is photosyntesis? Photosyntesis is a food making process that occurs n green plants. It is the chief function of leaves. The word photosyntesis means putting together with light. Green plants use energy from light to combine carbon dioxide and water to make sugar and other chemical compounds.
How is the light used in photosyntesis? The light used in photosyntesis is absorbed by a green pigment called chlorophyl. Each food making cell in a plant leaf contains chlorophyll in small bodies chloroplast. In chloroplast, light energy causes water drawn from the soil to split into hydrogen and oxygen.
What are the steps of photosynthesis process? Let me tell you the process of photosynthesis, in a series of complicated steps, the hydrogen combines with carbon dioxide from the air, forming a simple sugar. Oxygen from water molecules is given off in the process. From sugar together with nitrogen, sulphur, and phosphorus from the soil-green plants can make starch, fat, protein, vitamins, and other complex compounds essential for life. Photosynthesis provides the chemical energy that is neeed to produce these compounds
taken from : The World Book Encyclopedia, 1996
pic : credit2
pic : credit2
Friday, September 3, 2010
The first Monday in September is known as labour day. It is an annual holiday to celebrate the economic and social achievement of workers. It began in the Labour Union Movement, specially the eight hour day movement, which advocated eight hours for work, eight hours for recreation, and eight hours for rest.
many believe that Matthew Maguire founded the labour day in USA, while he was serving as Secretary of the Central Labour Union in New York. The first labour day in USA was celebrated on Tuesday, September 5, 1882 in New York city.
However, labour day is not just celebrated in the first of September. Some countries vary in celebrating labour day. In Australia, every state is fixed its own labour day, It is the first Monday in October in the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales and South Australia. In both Victoria and Tasmania, it is the second Monday in March (though the latter calls it Eight Hours Day). In Western Australia, Labour Day is the first Monday in March. In both Queensland and the Northern Territory, it is the first Monday in May.
In Canada, they celebrate the labor day every first Monday in September, while in Trinidad and Tobago people celebrate the labor day every June 19.
In Indonesia, labour day is celebrated every first may. the labors usually come to the city. They who work in the suburb area come to the city to express their feeling. The usually come to the parliament building in the city. They come by siding motor bike, or the factory facilitate them by using some factory bus or trucks, even they march from their working place to the parliament building. They do some protest about some government policies or some factory policy that are not appropriate with their welfare.
many believe that Matthew Maguire founded the labour day in USA, while he was serving as Secretary of the Central Labour Union in New York. The first labour day in USA was celebrated on Tuesday, September 5, 1882 in New York city.
However, labour day is not just celebrated in the first of September. Some countries vary in celebrating labour day. In Australia, every state is fixed its own labour day, It is the first Monday in October in the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales and South Australia. In both Victoria and Tasmania, it is the second Monday in March (though the latter calls it Eight Hours Day). In Western Australia, Labour Day is the first Monday in March. In both Queensland and the Northern Territory, it is the first Monday in May.
In Canada, they celebrate the labor day every first Monday in September, while in Trinidad and Tobago people celebrate the labor day every June 19.
In Indonesia, labour day is celebrated every first may. the labors usually come to the city. They who work in the suburb area come to the city to express their feeling. The usually come to the parliament building in the city. They come by siding motor bike, or the factory facilitate them by using some factory bus or trucks, even they march from their working place to the parliament building. They do some protest about some government policies or some factory policy that are not appropriate with their welfare.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Latest Video of Mount Sinabung Erruption
The eruption of Mount Sinabung is unpredictable. Located in District Karo, 90 km from Medan North Sumatra, the mountain is an active mountain. The last eruption was about 400 years ago.
The mountain erupted at 00.15 local time. The geophysics Department spokesman said that there will be another eruption. They predict that the eruption will be bigger than the previous eruption but they can not predict the time of this other eruption.
To prevent the people from this eruption, the local government evacuate the people around mount sinabung. They evacuate to the regent residence, 20 km away from the mountain.
The mountain erupted at 00.15 local time. The geophysics Department spokesman said that there will be another eruption. They predict that the eruption will be bigger than the previous eruption but they can not predict the time of this other eruption.
To prevent the people from this eruption, the local government evacuate the people around mount sinabung. They evacuate to the regent residence, 20 km away from the mountain.
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